Upload your file, set a price, they pay to open it

The sweet way to share and monetize your files!

Kandy turns your digital files into treats awaiting to be unwrapped. Everyone loves candies, now imagine earning each time someone opens one of yours!

Nothing Beats a Link

With a Kandy, monetizing anywhere is a breeze. Sell right where your audience is, no need for them to jump onto another platform. Share your link in DMs, stories, or live sessions across TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat, or any platform. They click, they pay, they access — sweet and simple. Your Kandy Link bridges your creativity to earnings, turning the world into your marketplace.

Selling your digital files is as easy as selling a candy. Upload, price it, and watch the earnings roll in as your customers unwrap the sweetness.

Our digital wrappers ensure your files stay secure until they're purchased and ready to be unwrapped.

Monitor the sales of your digital treats in real-time, understanding which candies are the crowd favourites.

Your earnings are securely stored in Kandy's wallet. As your files are purchased, your wallet grows, ready for withdrawal whenever you choose.

“Kandy made it a breeze to earn from my digital creations. The idea of customers unwrapping my files just like candies is not only fun but profitable!"

Satisfied Creator
Start your candy seller journey
Start your candy seller journey
Start your candy seller journey
Start your candy seller journey
Start your candy seller journey
Start your candy seller journey
Start your candy seller journey
Start your candy seller journey
Start your candy seller journey

There’s something for every taste

At Kandy, we believe that every piece of digital content has its own flavor. Just like everyone has a candy they cherish, your digital creations are bound to find their admirers. Our platform is designed to help you effortlessly sell any digital file directly to your community.

The possibilities are endless...
Seriously, sell anything!

How does Kandy ensure the security of my files?
Your files are hidden behind a paywall. People needs to pay to unlock your file!
How can I track my sales?
You can track real-time your sales on the Kandy app!
Can I customize the wrapping of my files?
Absolutely! Create unique wrappers to make the unwrapping experience even more enjoyable for your customers.

Ready to turn your digital files into a steady stream of income?

Join Kandy today and start earning from every unwrap!"